iPhone X - update [resolved]

We made a ton of progress on the design of this today… it’s a huge change actually. Hoping to have something to show soon, and release soon after.


Hi, any news on the iPhone X update? Maybe a little teaser to show us :slight_smile:

just waiting for app store + next release

note that the bottom looks good too


2 posts were split to a new topic: How many covers on ipad pro?

That looks great.

My only additional request would be if back and forward buttons could be added next to play button in that screen? Looks like there’s space if those button made smaller.

Has the update been passed to Apple? How long time does it usually take to go trough the approval process?

Can’t wait to get the iPhone X updated app :slight_smile:

He mentioned next release. So think waiting for either minor or major release of roon itself. Not urgent enough request to send to Apple on it’s own since wasn’t broke.

I’m more eagerly waiting to see if roon has any year end surprises in store.

it’s out!