Spotify or Spotify HiFi in Roon [spotify will not allow this]

I don’t think it is about numbers for Spotify. It is about control, and they may feel they lose some of that when they are not dictating how their music is streamed, how it is displayed and what metadata accompanies it. My view is very simple though. Until Spotify start the much vaunted lossless streaming service they announced in reaction to MQA, it simply isn’t good enough to run with Roon. And of course it is still up to them to say yes to Roon if they are happy to be anonymised behind someone else’s product.

Agreed - I don’t think it is about numbers. Anymore. Once upon a time it was important for them (so they did a deal with Sonos). That time has gone. But there are other companies out there for whom it still is important - hence getting behind Roon.

I agree completely. I have a Spotify family subscription and the Tidal HiFi, I only use with Roon. I hate Tidal, but as long as I only see it through Roon it goes. Several times per week I check Spotify recommendations, and music I like, I add to Tidal :grinning:

  • I also reached the 10.000 song library limit in Spotify anyway though.

It’s about data. They want to collect ALL usage data. This includes all playlists, all clicks, all searches, everything. If you think about the Spotify Connect solution, it is absolutely brilliant: they have you use their client to browse and setup play whereas a remote device does the actual playing - win-win for everyone except those that would like to use a different client such as Roon.

For this reason I expect them to never want to integrate with Roon or any other platform. The exception to this rule was the Sonos integration, which they had to do at the time given customer demand. But even that will be phased out in favor of Spotify Connect on Sonos (which works great).

Yes, you can Follow Spotify playlists for discovery purposes and the convert them to Tidal. For now I actually have a paid subscription to it!

+1 not so frequently as you though :slight_smile:

I am a subscriber of Spotify and Tidal.
Spotify has a lot of more songs !!
I signed the roon for a year. I hope in this time period spotify is part of roon.

Don’t hold your breath.


Spotify in Roon would cement it for me.

Spotify sucks.
Some months ago I hit the 10.000 songs ceiling, and I now cannot save a song to “My Spotify” without removing another. There is a lot of frustration about this on their forum, but it has been going on for years, and Spotify does not seem to care.
It could sound like a lot, but it isn’t. You find a new artist you like and add their albums to your list. It is just bookmarks.
I did not like Tidal when I had a subscription to that alone, but using it through Roon it is absolutely fine.

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If and when Spotify comes out with their cd quality streaming tier, hopefully they will remove that nasty restriction.

I’ve used Spotify in the past. I left it for Tidal. First of all the sound quality alone is a huge differentiator. But most importantly, I left Spotify for their absolute crazy attitude towards their users. Not only its moving very slowly to launch in other countries (I have to jump a bunch of hoops to make it work in my country) but they remove features that are popular and then they ask on their community site if we want the feature back, without any word on what will happen. The community gets involved, asks for the feature back and nothing happens for months on end. So yeah, Spotify can kiss my…

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Despite that speech, Spotify has still biggest market.
And that’s all that matters…

“…Paroles et paroles et paroles…” :wink:

True, they have the most users. But they are cocky. They simply defy their users. This will eventually kill them.


have and have used both (Tidal and Spotify) for years.
I know very well what each one delivers in quality and heritage.
I wonder how the excellent room database with both would look perfect.
Even if it were optional and having to pay some additional amount I would agree.

A survey would be a fairer way to analyze feasibility.

Tidal has a very limited collection and needs to move, improve.

But if Spotify are not interested in joining with Roon what is the point of discussing Spotify here, go shout at them and tell them if they don’t join with Roon you will leave.


@NickB is right, I assume you didn’t even bother to do a search on this forum. So I provided you with some answers from Roon COO, Danny Dulai.

Your subsequent suggestion for a survey doesn’t make much sense in that respect. As Danny said: Roon has tried and Spotify has shut the door. Go tell Spotify, they’re the ones not wanting to meet your wishes, not Roon.

I don’t think this will ever happen, unfortunately. Spotify’s business model is as much about collecting your usage data as it is about streaming music.

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Okay, guys.

Roon is primarily an excellent database administrator. But it depends a lot on having data (music).
Adding Tidal helped.

The possibility of using Tidal with HQplayer made me decide for Roon.

See the importance of adding partnerships.

In the case of Spotify would be the logical path of Roon follow … to continue leading.
Spotify refused?
Ok Room has more to gain … so I hope they convince spotify.
I know it’s not as easy and simple as inviting …

I signed Room for a year, I’ll hold my breath until then.