Using REW to do Room Correction

Good idea, and I think was touted quite a while back when peq first came out.

There might already be a suitable REW export format Roon could adopt.

REW is now capable of exporting the impulse response of filters generated by REW EQ module to a .wav file, that can be imported as a convolution filter in Roon. This is by far easier than exporting / importing text files.
1/ Design your filter with REW EQ module for Left Channel and then Right Channel, based on your Left and Right Channel measurements.
2/ Export impulse response of stereo filters : File / Export / Filters impulse response as .WAV. Select Stereo, pick-up left and right channels that you EQed, 24-bit or 32-bit, Normalise samples to peak value. Sample rate can stay at 96000 if you have a powerful enough server, but usually 44100 is enough and faster. Roon will anyway upsample of downsample the filter when required.
3/ import filter in Roon DSP : Convolution and activate Roon DSP
4/ Done ! As the filter has been normalised, there is in principle no need for headroom adjustment, but I recommend -3dB for caution.

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Vincent, you don’t need any miniDSP. Only a microphone like the UMIK-1 and REW. The EQ module of Roon can semi-automatically generate the correction, and implemented in Roon in the form of a .WAV convolution file. Voilà :slight_smile:

Mike, thanks for reminding everybody of the existence of this very powerful Procedural EQ tool, mostly unknown? A friend of mine is using it to implement 3 way active filtering within Roon !

Hi Mike, i did the same with 1/3 octave smothing but how do you design your blue target line ?

Hi Stef,

In REW, using the ‘EQ’ screen you can adjust the parameters to set a target line (sometimes called room curve). Screenshot shows an example which has a constant 1dB/Octave drop from LF to HF.

I wonder if there is any scientific basis for setting the “room curve” (or “house curve”) values 
 or is it just a “whatever sounds good”, trial-and-error thing?

Another thing I wonder about is that 80 dB target level setting. I need to set mine at about that level (sometimes a little higher) to avoid a REW error/alert message, even though I’m really aiming for more like a 75 dB listening level.

There is experimental scientific basis, the first good paper on the topic is from 1974 Bruel and Kjaer

There are many others but consensus is that the slope should be slowly descending overall.

This is not independant of the volume of listening, because of the so-called Fletcher-Munson effect

I think the somewhat simplified explanation is that out ears perceive higher frequency as louder than lower frequency at same dB, so to get a frequency response that sounds flat you need a slope from something like +5dB on 20Hz to -5dB on 20kHz. But then you can of course adjust this to your liking, this is the one I use currently:

It looks very much like the one I use. BTW I make the curve in REW completely flat and I then add a curve with the EQ in Roon. i think this is a much better way to add a housecurve.

@Mike : thanks. I made only -1.6db between 1.6khz to 20Khz and +1db between 200 and 20hz.
@Magnus : what are your settings in Rew for this curve ?

@Cantodea : it is not dangerous to have convolution + EQ, especially with an addition? +3db is soft but i only do it to minimize trebles.

No, because the curve I use in REW is completely flat and I don’t fill any dips. I also set headroom to -5 in Roon, so there is no clipping this way.

The house curve is in a text file that you specify in REW settings, it contains frequency and adjustment, in this case it looks like this:
20 5
50 5
70 4
100 3
120 2
170 0
550 0
5000 -1
13000 -2
20000 -3

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REW did all the measurements for me and I would like to enter the results manually as well, but when I go to EQ, then EQ filters, the filters are not populated. I have probably failed to enter a setting but I cannot see which one it is.
Many thanks,

I tried using this disc as I wanted to get the tone from ROON but connect your computers headphone socket to L&R imputs on your pre so cable 2.5 ( headphone on Computer) to 2 RCA plugs.
when you generate tones in the computer they play on your system. this allows correct timing.

So whatever happened to the ability to type in frequencies down to 10Hz? 20 still seems to be the limit, and it definitely is an unfortunate limitation.