I’m a sailor, and I go out to sea for about a week several times a year. I take a micro computer running 1.8 with me (and it works great)! My question is - when I’m back on land, I’d like to deauth 1.8, and auth a 2.0 instance living on the same physical hardware. Will the two versions coexist on the same box (Linux) at the same time? I would shut down whichever service isn’t being used. I can test this, but I figured I would ask before trying.
Cheers, and thanks!
Don’t think that’s possible as it’s all installed just as Roon and will overwrite the existing install. Unless you have two partitions and two operating systems installed for dual boot. Also 2.0 database isn’t backwards compatible for 1.8 and it’s all in same location. You could run one in a docker instead and use them both on same install then.
ASFAIK you cannot specify where the Roon db lives on your system (C) drive (can you anybody ??)
The 1.8 and 2.0 db are of different structures so one can’t read the other.
I suppose you could do some fancy footwork installing 1.8 and renaming the folder and then installing 2.0 , How you get around the Roon.exe issue that @Simon_Arnold3 notes I am not sure, you could do a similar renaming exercise.
This is Windows
It all sounds rather messy though.
Rereading op is on Linux but the installer package doesn’t contain any version number and will just install over an existing one and the db will be same location. Docker is the only way to achieve this with minimum destruction I feel as it’s contained in the docker.
Running virtual machines could be an option.
My way of doing would be to install something like Proxmox. Then have 3 virtual machines. One as fileserver with the music files. One with Roon Core 1.8, the other with 2.0.
Maybe not the simplest way.
I think I’d be tempted to install each version into different folders in /opt
using a symbolic link, and create a simple script to stop the server, change the link, and then restart.
It’s no different to having multiple versions in a Mac’s Applications folder, and should work.
Containerization is 110% the best route for my application. But, it looks like there are no official images. I’ll look into these suggested options and post an update as I progress. Thanks again for the tips!
I have done it and It can be done on a mac with mulitple user accounts. The connectivity issue at login to authenticate is the biggest issue.
The latest changes to the RoonServer 2.0 being located in the Roon.app package may change some of the steps to configure aliases/shortcuts.
Only Roon Server is available for Linux, so this shouldn’t be an issue.