1.8 build 884 - "There was an issue loading your database" after Roon relaunch

Hi Noris,
Are you able to reopen the thread " [1.8 build 884 - “There was an issue loading your database” after Roon relaunch](1.8 build 884 - "There was an issue loading your database" after Roon relaunch"

I have been away for several weeks and went to reply to your last message, but the thread is closed.

Let me know if this is possible, such that work may continue on diagnosing my database issues and the non-functionality of roonbridge on machines running Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7 and Monterey 12.3.1. Private Relay in not used in any of my machines/iCloud accounts.
It seems that IP is assigned to the roonbridge in my core and both machines mentioned above.

I am presently uploading my roon database from my core, the roon database from the Catalina machine and the roon database from the Monterey machine to the following:


Thank you,

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Hi @Jeffrey_Jaskunas ,

I’ve re-opened your thread and have passed the database on to our QA team for further testing! Once that’s complete, we will reach out once more, thanks!

Hi @Jeffrey_Jaskunas ,

I am checking with the team on this database library issue, can you please confirm you are still seeing this even after today’s release?

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