I had made this request a long time ago and another member suggested I posted it in the wrong place, so I’ll add it here. I didn’t see this specifically mentioned in any other shuffle posts here, apologies if there is one. Please move my comments there if appropriate. My complaint is specifically about the terrible shuffle algorithm, which hasn’t changed since the inception of Roon. Last night I selected 9 albums and hit Shuffle. See this screenshot of how “shuffle” works:
My point is, this is terrible as an enjoyable “shuffle”. I’ve highlighted in the queue how many songs from literally one album are being played, almost back to back. It might be an hour or longer before I even hear any songs from a particular album. Conversely, I may have heard almost all songs from a particular album before that.
Can the Roon team please implement a more thorough, random shuffle feature? How about something as simple (simple in the sense that hopefully not hard to program) as each consecutive song comes from a different album? I love shuffle as a listening tool, but Roon’s implementation of it needs to be much more randomized and holistic, not playing a bunch of songs from one or a few albums at a time.