A new version of Roon WORKING under Mojave WITH "Dark Mode" support?

Hello all :wink:

I have a 2018 MBP. Purchased Roon (I year), under 10.13.6.
I can’t upgrade to Mojave now, because some of my apps are no compatible yet.

But it will be OK in November.

I’d like to know when a working version of Roon under Mojave will be available, OFFERING support for Mojave’s “Dark Mode”.

I thank you very much :slight_smile:


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There’s a Dark Theme available already - but I guess you mean that Roon should switch themes automatically when macOS switches between light & dark. I’m not sure if this would be easy to implement but I made a kind of similar request which would make switching more convenient:


I agree, Roon has a dark theme, but not completely Dark Mode.
Please have a look at the attached picture. The bar where “Roon” is written is still light.

That’s why I’ve ask a request…

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You’re right - since I do usually use Roon in fullscreen I didn’t notice that.

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So, for this annoying day bar will get dark in a near futur ?

Thank you,


Who knows - but it doesn’t look like it would be much work so let’s hope. :slight_smile:

if you have a Mac and want dark mode, try the f.lux app. i use it when i DJ and love it. https://justgetflux.com/

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I hope for a dark future too.

Roon’s dark mode by itself is perfect, all we need under Mojave is Roon’s window in the color of Dark Mode…

Mojave Dark Mode combined with Roon Dark Mode, the text entered into the Search box is black on black.

Another vote for full Mac Dark Mode.