I run a large number of backups daily to several local, network locations along with Dropbox. While performing routine maintenance and cleaning it can take a significant amount of time to delete Roon backups from certain media.
It’s not costing me anything and the additional peace of mind are priceless. It also hasn’t interrupted my listening experience in the least. Even after recently having well over 100K tracks disappear and having no clue as to why I never once felt the need to write to Roon. I had multiple daily backups and I was confident that Roon Labs would figure it out. Till then I channelled my music direct from the source.
In any event, given that I would like to maintain current backup settings while avoiding any potential risk of corruption to Roon databases at various locations is it feasible? Does it make sense to add a “Pause” function to each individual or the overall backup system? If it does in the team’s opinion then I would very much appreciate this along with the ability to “manually sort” my list of backups. A sort function would be most welcome if agreeable.
Bottom line is I’d like to maintain equipment and cleaning routines along side Roon while keeping corruption to a minimal without having to modify backup settings periodically.
Stellar work team, I’m loving “Listen Later” and still discovering other hidden gems inside of Roon.