Accessibility feature - Font enlarge / Bold or Zoom

Hey Roon
I’m a lover of all things Roon and can’t beleive I survived before having Roon. BUT… I’m legally Blind. I use a IPad Pro 12.9” and have difficulty using the UI at times. I use DArk mode and that’s definitely a life saver, however browsing thru artist or searching for new stuff can be difficult. I even have difficulty reading g the info on the artist. I love this stuff and adapt. I take screen shots and enlarge it to read. Or zoom in wiht the IOS accessibility features. I’m no cider so I dint kniw hiw difficult it would be to implement, but couldn’t we have a simple Font size choice fir us low vision folks. Making the font bolder and larger would make everything absolutely perfect. If nit a zoom feature would be my second choice. Anything to make it easier to read. I a,os have a 5.5” iPhone but it’s to small so I stick to thE iPad Pro.
Anyways see if a font size or zoom would be a possibility. The blind community love music like everyone else. And there are Blind Audiohiles all around the world. Roon could be the perfect solution. For me it’s the only way to do music. I just want it to be oerfect yah know.
The Blind Audiophile