Ok, I clicked on the IP address in Setup and got to a web page.
It has a notice about internal storage not ready, and a Format button.
But it says 160 GB, INTEL SSDSA2BW16 .
This isn’t right, I have a 2TB Samsung SSD.
I don’t want to wipe the OS drive, but that isn’t supposed to be 160 GB either.
So I don’t feel like using that button.
There was a story on Ars Technica about Siri in the 80s, Siri format C:.
I had used it in a SonicTransporter which I played with but never really used.
Maybe it partitioned it?
Will a Nucleus Format go all the way down and repartition?
In any case, I m8ght as well try, since it isn’t the system drive, right?
you put in a drive that looks like a Samsung 2TB but is actually an old Intel SSD that someone sold you as a lemon
there is something super wrong with that drive’s firmware or how Linux is detecting it.
Yah, the network share should show up with like 205gb I bet… 150gb from your 2.5" and ~55gb from the internal SSD for settings/database/etc – it just adds up all the storage
Well, it says Intel 160 GB right on it.
What the hell did I do?
I pulled the drive from the SonicTransporter a few days ago, put it in the mess on the desk, I guess I pulled an old Windows boot drive out of the mess and put it in.
Well, we should learn from our mistakes.
I did that one in a physics lab in college.
Need to find new mistakes.
In all seriousness — the objective of consumer electronics reliability is a great one, but even this simple step can be messed up, as we saw.
Maybe the dealer will do it.
Or maybe an external USB drive should be a strong recommendation.