Adding new files to my Nucleus library through iMac?

So, I was working on my old iMac this week, and I clicked into the Hard Drive section. There, unannounced, showed up my Nucleus – on the same LAN.

I clicked on the icon and sure as heck, all the info from the Nucleus seems accessible on the iMac – including my library.

I think this means I can load new files into my library from my iMac directly, without having to carry a laptop to my install, changing out the USB cables and loading the new files from a thumb drive through the laptop to my external HD, forcing a rescan.

I this is true, my admiration for the Nucleus just increased big time.

I have not tried this yet for fear of a major f-up.

Has anyone here tried this? Does it work without blowing up the Nucleus?:roll_eyes:

You should be able to drag and drop files from a anywhere on your network right to the Nucleus.

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Hi Mike,

Here is information on getting to the Nucleus Data Directory (which you have already done) and finding storage to copy your music.

Hope that helps.

Cheers, Greg

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Just what I wanted to hear! My thanks to you both!

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OK, I did the drag and drop from the iMac to the appropriate file on the shared Nucleus where I am there as a Guest. It says I have “no permission to read” the files. I attempt to sign into the Nucleus as a Registered User with my Roon login, but it rejects me.

Any thoughts?

Have you figured this out yet? I have a similar problem and would love to have a solution? A second component of the issue is that I cannot use the disk to store Nucleus backups–I get an access error.

Any help out there?

Just noticed your post here (if you had asked the question in the Support/Nucleus Support category of the forum, you would have got a reply from one of the Roon support team members much quicker).

You said you attempted to sign into the Nucleus as a registered user using your Roon user credentials. This is mistaken. You should use the guest credentials if you’re on Mac OS. See this article for more information (look at the section headed Method #2).

These instructions assume you are using ROCK – if you are using Nucleus or another product based on Roon OS, consult your product documentation for the correct host name, or just use the device’s IP address.

I followed the #2 method with the same result. I “see” the external drive, and can use Info to sew permissions. I have read/write permission, as does “everyone”. Still, I cannot write to the External Disk attached to my Nucleus through my iMac on the same network.

As I also mentioned, I cannot seem to write to the External Drive through Nucleus directly. I tried to use the external drive for my backup storage in Roon settings, and was denied access.

Please raise this in the Support/Nucleus Support category so that someone from the Support team will see it and respond. It may be caused by how the external drive has been formatted. At one time, I thought that HFS-formatted drives were not writable (read-only); this may still be the case.

Thanks, will do

Here is how I solved this problem:

The external drive that houses my library was Mac formatted (it was originally connected to a Mac Mini). I could “see” it, and the Nucleus OS, etc., on my iMac, but I could not move files in or out of the library.

Why? Because the Nucleus runs on Linux. So it does not speak to Mac formatted files. To make this work, I had to reformat my external HDD to FAT, which can be done in Mac’s Disk Utility program.

Of course, don’t overlook the indisputable fact that reformatting the HDD erases all files on the disc. That is why I keep at least three copies of my library files on separate drives (storage space is much cheaper than trying to replace lost files).

So, with the encouragement of Dylan at Roon support, I reformatted the drive, reloaded the library, and now I can pass music files in and out from my iMac. In fact, I will be loading 5.1 White Album files that way this afternoon so I can play the multi-channel music from my Nucleus.

Took a while to diagnose, but once the fix is in place, it works great.

Hope this helps!