[Advanced/Power users] Smart Playlists?

Roon is fabulous for doing everything on its own. The radio makes music listening simple.
But, what if we want to make it smarter?

Background (you knew this but a re-hash):
Boolean Operators are simple words (AND, OR, NOT or AND NOT).
IF THEN logic; In logic, a conditional is a compound statement formed by combining two sentences (or facts) using the words “if … then.”

Provided that Roon creates more focus fields that use ID3 or Roon invented/user created tags, what are the chances that we can get some more advanced playlist creation?

  • If a song is favorited and listened to in the last 14 days, put in
    into the playlist “Heavy Rotation.”
  • Only play holiday music during [time period].
  • Songs you listened to on your Birthday last year.
  • If song is played more than 10 times, favorite or <3 it.
  • If song is skipped every time it’s played, ban it.
  • Songs I love but the other user profiles hate.
  • User Profiles who’s age range from 14 to 40, play picks/Favorites in Pop/Rock.
  • play my favorite cover songs

You get the idea. Thanks for voting.



Just migrated from Audirvara Plus and I miss is the ability to make “smart” playlists. For example, all songs rated more than three stars and recorded after the 1980s. The lists updates automatically when adding music. Very handy and I miss it dearly.


@Jack_Zimmermann - have you played around with Focus & Bookmarks as described here?

While some information isn’t available for Focus (like recording dates, I think) it may do the trick more often than not.

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YES!!! Roon’ tagging capabilities and query logic are only half functional. I would love for this area to get some attention from the developers.


The statistics and list nature of iTunes makes Roon the antithesis. It’s been a long time since I asked the question. I don’t think we’re going to get listener stats.