After restore from backup (hanging logo) Not Working at all [Solved - Maxview Storage Manager]

Compatibility with Adaptec Raid card in AMD Eufi preboot environment won’t respond to Raid card.
So you scan for drives for instance no result is returned in AMD. On Intel the response is as expected.
The one Roon server, also hosts other applications that benefit from Intel CPU.

I have my answer and so do other people watching. To dedicate yourself to software since 2018 then suddenly be left flapping in the wind. Is exactly why people are not willing to go this route in my circle. Several forums, Facebook groups we use are linked directly to this post. Most of these folks would be depend on Roon in this situation. Most of what Roon recommends can’t deal with huge libraries 5-6 TB and up. Without paying astronomical amounts for a drive that retails at 300. Clone is the only answer that even the rich are interested in. Most will patiently wait for companies to develop similar free software’s or continue to use what they have now.

For me this happened during a Tornado hitting our province. A time I wished to relax when coming home from neighbors helping cut down trees and branches on peoples houses. Others who have been without hydro for a second week now. Come by to listen to some music and nothing works. So we spun vinyl.

Yes I could image my primary workstation do a bare metal install over to Intel then deal with reactivating all my software. Do same with transferring server build too to AMD. Then what happens when Roon suddenly develops problem with AMD?

Word of mouth is how this stuff takes off.

Hello @Jerry_B ,

Following the Windows reinstall, what kinds of error messages do you see in the logs, is it still the same as before, i.e. this one?

Can you please upload a full set of your Roon logs to the following link and let us know once uploaded?

As @connor mentioned earlier, we’ve seen this error message with Nero WiFi+Tranfer app, the other program we’ve see it with is Maxview Storage Manager. Are you by any chance making use of Maxview?

Yes I see a bind error @noris

I do not use Nero WiFi transfer, but do use Maxview Storage Manager.
Maxview is also installed on AMD computer I am using in meantime. Doesn’t cause problem there.
Errors start at log 4 which makes sense as Roon worked for sometime then stopped:

05/30 05:52:03 Warn: [multicastreceiver] couldn’t bind to iface, message: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
05/30 05:52:03 Warn: [multicastreceiver] couldn’t bind to iface, message: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
05/30 05:52:03 Critical: while dispatching events: System.InvalidOperationException: You must call the Bind method before performing this operation.

So similar but not the exact wording. I do a clean installation of windows each time.

Up to 20 logs files, hopefully switching back and forth from one core to another doesn’t cause further problems with one that is working.


Good Day:

So its the Maxview Storage Manager component Maxview Redfish Server.
I just stopped service Maxview Redfish Server opened Roon authorized the Intel Server to take over from AMD server.
Now this Redfish component is used for notifications so if a drive fails it emails/ texts you so removing might not be a good idea as another user has done.
Besides this even thought Roon and Raatserver are allowed through firewall Roon is unable to check for updates. Disabling windows firewall made no difference.
then the library import is hung due to not being able to contact metadata server



A reboot usually takes care of the Metadata message, since it means that it couldn’t connect to a backend server.

@noris @Rugby

Correct Metadata error gone Metadata server in contact again library import complete.
Imported some new music and works fine.

Even with Redfish Service off Roon is unable to check for updates. I can check manually once a week with a reminder.

I’ll add new log to my upload.
I have put a delayed start on redfish server with Roon in my startup that seems to get it done…I can’t put it on manual must be running when software is loaded.

Odd Maxview did not have problem with AMD and I used same software package to install. See below for ports.

Am good like this for now, no urgency, if cause can be fixed at some point.
Give direction on what needs to change.

This thing is addictive without it…Thanks

Using Adaptec Storage Manager or maxView Storage Manager with a Firewall

The web server is started on port 8443 by default and customers have the option to use other web servers on a different port.

maxView Storage Manager FAQs | Microsemi

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Hi @Jerry_B ,

Glad to hear that the issue was solved by stopping Maxview!

We had an issue with our update server recently and just fixed it today, it might be working again on your end now.

Also, just to let you know, we have a development ticket in for this issue, I will add your report to the existing ticket.

Hope you enjoy using Roon!

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Thanks @noris

Correct updates are working again.

Kind of embarrassing that I assumed Adaptec software was fine. Definitely didn’t occur until reboot for .net packages.

So this incident will auto close but in sometime I would be notified if developers sort out issue or let me know what changes need to be made to Redfish.

Have a great day

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We don’t comment on timelines as per policy, but once resolved, it should be listed in our Release Notes Section, thanks!

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So checking logs I believe the solution is simple.
Roon, Plex and other apps need to be running when installing Maxview specifically the Redfish Service.
At least they were running on AMD computer it still has no problems with Roon or Plex. They were not running when I installed here on new Intel system. Once confirmed I will send you a direct message
More importantly after reviewing Roon logs I noticed that there are many references to Qnap and other machines that were hosting Roon since 2018.
To start a fresh database (yes I know it will mean more work) I just rename database folder or is there information that comes from Roon cloud that would also need to be reset?

Thanks have a great weekend

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Uninstalling Maxview and Redfish storage manager and reinstalling seems to have done trick. It important to have Roon and in my case Plex running. Then doesn’t seem to conflict.
Do have a delayed start on Redfish. Occasionally Plex hangs on startup so use services to stop Maxview Redfish let it load and start Redfish again.

Might investigate Linux but Maxview would also install Redfish server there. Be a biggert bother there now that its sorted.

I’ll let this close, I don’t need more help but should probably be looked at as its likely more people would use a raid card. I use it for both data protection for storage but also the increase in read speed. Unlike NAS devices you won’t hear skips while consolidation and drive fitness tasks run. Hardware Raid is better than software IMO having run both. Ex TVS-873 owner.


Hey @Jerry_B,

I appreciate the level of detail in your follow-up and we’ve noted this situation in a ticket to investigate.

Should anything come up again after this topic has auto-closed, feel free to start a new topic and we can merge as necessary.


I will say Adaptec support is certainly not what it used to be lesson learned. No wonder my vendor said anything but. My last two cards from them were such good support experiences I didn’t mind paying extra…


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