Roon Core Machine
i7-1165g7 2.8ghz, 16 GB RAM, Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Networking Gear & Setup Details
direct ethernet connection to router
Connected Audio Devices
Hola Audio Red direct ethernet connected to router
Number of Tracks in Library
~30k tracks
Description of Issue
I run Roon on a dedicated i7 windows machine running latest update Windows 10 Pro Version 22H2. I access it via remote desktop only. After the 2.0.25 (I think? I can’t launch Roon successfully so I can’t check) update, in the last 3 days, Roon has been unavailable. When I connected via remote desktop, the Roon screen said it was updating the library. After this, I only see “Waiting for your Roon Server”. There is a “start Roon Server” button, it doesn’t work. I have restarted the machine a couple time and restarted Roon with the same results. What do I try now?
I do have the Roon Server app install on this machine as well – it doesn’t seem like that ever worked, because any time I power down the machine I have to log in and start the Roon standard App before I can see the Roon server from a remote.
Please help!