Airplay Groups No Longer Working

Intel NUC i7 with 16 GB RAM connected directly to Google Fiber router. 2-terabyte SSD with Library connected to NUC via USB.

Connected Audio Devices:

Cambridge Audio CXN-V2; Cambridge Audio DACMAGIC 200; three Sonos One speakers; all via Airplay.

Since the last update, my Airplay group will no longer play. It will show it is playing for 5 seconds and then pause out. I can play individually to any device via Airplay with no problem, but not the group. This group has been working fine for several years (with the exception of constantly getting out of sync if playing from the library) but now, There is no sound when I choose the group and try to play. I have ungrouped and regrouped to no avail. Help!

@Jim_White1 what version of Roon Server are you running? If you ungroup everything, can you play to each AirPlay endpoint individually?

Here is the version I am running. Your aditional questions are addressed in the original post.

So ungrouping and playing to each device indivdually also does not work? That point is not clear. Can you add the CXN-V2 to Apple Home and see if that can be made to work?

Whether grouped or ungrouped, I can play to them separately, but not as a group, if that is what you are asking. Thanks.

I don’t have any Sonos devices, but there some reported issues recently, not sure if it is tied to their new app or not. Can you group just the CXN and DAC Magic? Have you tried to group them with AirPlay Compatibility mode activated?

I can group the DAC Magic and the CXN, but I do not see an option to activate Airplay Compatibility mode in settings or advanced settings.

Hi @Jim_White1,

Thank you for posting. Airplay Compatibility mode is in the Device Setup window for the affected Airplay Zone under Roon Settings → Audio.

We additionally recommend adding the affected Airplay endpoints to the Apple Home app, if you haven’t already.

Please let us know if this helps. Thanks!

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