Sorting by last name is inconsistent if the Artist name is hyphenated.
Although the name is exactly the same, selecting use ‘Prefer Roon’ will sort correctly, Using ‘Prefer file’ will not. (See last 2 images) In both instances the sort-by setting for the Artist is “Ma, Yo-Yo”
Using Yo-Yo Ma as an example. The former will sort under “Ma”, the later will sort under “Yo-Yo”. All other settings remain unchanged.
Songs of Joy & Peace
Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?
only the prefer roon / prefer file setting for album artist on the album
Is the album identified in Roon?
Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?
Local file
File tags from 1st track
Screenshot of import settings
Library import Settings:
Description of the issue
- All my albums use “Prefer file” for Album Artist names.
- All my album artists are ‘linked’ to Artists (Adding Album Artist if required)
- Sorting by Artist works perfectly (lastname, firstnames) except for artists with hyphens in their name. For those artists it will sort firstname, lastname - irrespective of the Artist Sort-by name.
All other occurrences respect this field.
If the Album flag is changed to “prefer Roon” then the Artist will sort by the sort-by field (lastname, firstname)
Sort based on ‘prefer file’:
Sort based on ‘Prefer Roon’