Albums are not showing up under albums

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

1.7 Core on Computer direct connection to speakers

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*Description Of Issue

I have over 200 albums of Philip Glass and F. Schubert and many others. When I ask to list albums only 20 or so show up. Many are contained in a tagged list, but all items are not shown. Going to the composer will bring up all the compositions. What am i missing? Why aren’t 100% of the albums showing up when “view all” is selected?


Hi @lee_beville,

If you go to the albums browser and use the filter option to filter for one of these albums does it show up here? Can you share a screenshot of this if so?

All albums return about 25 or so albums not over 200
Compositions returns the picture of the album but not all compositions on the album
All Compositions returns about 25 albums but that is it.
Tagged albums returns 230 albums.
Not sure about the rules the database is using to do any functions. Does tagging screw up the “all albums” or other displays?

Hi @lee_beville,

Are you referring to the All Albums from the search screen? If so, this is only a subset of the albums provided by search. If you want to see all albums by a particular artist, it’s best to do this from the artist page or from a filter on the Album Browser.

Hello Dylan:
I think there may be a miscommunication. If you type Schubert in the search box, there is a return for Albums. If you have 300 albums, then 300 albums should be shown! Not 25.
If I have tagged 300 albums as Schubert, they all show up when the tag Schubert is clicked. Why don’t all albums show up if they are there? Am I missing something?

Also, When you back up your recordings can you look at the file structure?
If you sort with SongKong and add more tags in SongKong and then save the edits, will it replace the old file or just add the new fields to the old files when uploaded?



If you want to search for Schubert you should click on Schubert in the results and then you’ll see that there are around 1,400 compositions listed in the results (TIDAL) plus whatever is in your library.

Roon doesn’t replace the file; indeed Roon doesn’t alter files. However, Roon will update your library with the additional information provided depending on your metadata settings, i.e. whether you prefer Roon or the file.

Thank you. I will try do that and see if it works.


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