Albums series?

Some albums are part of a series, or larger group of release:

I can think of hacks, but is there an official ID3 metadata field or Roon feature for this?


Two options I can think of is to;

  1. use Mp3Tag or similar and create a ‘RoonAlbumTag’ which Roon will recognise when you add the albums in the series with the same name
  1. a simple album merge in Roon

Roon Tags were the hack I was thinking of :+1:

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I’m not sure i agree with the moniker hack", but Tags are dedicated for these exact requests and needs.
To gather albums, artists and track under one easily identified label. Also easily selected in each view.

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Hi @Jason_Muxlow,
Did @Menzies’ answer solve your issue? If so please mark that comment as the solution.

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