All my tidal selections have now been deleted! [Solved]

I was just told by ROON that it updated the library due to software update. But this means now that my library went from 6500 albums to only 3346 albums…all the albums from tidal which I have painstakingly picked for my collection have been deleted! How is this possible? There must be some way to recuperate my selections? Or else ROON is fundamentally unreliable and not really suited for hosting a library!!! Please help me!

I also had included the collections from tidal in my library and now they are all untagged. This is really bad!

And if I try to add a new tidal album I get the message that it is now deleted!!! Really weird!

Hey @rasmussenmorten – can you confirm what you’re seeing on the Services tab of Settings?

I’m sure we can figure out what’s going on here, but this sounds like an issue syncing with Tidal, so the status of your Tidal login will be the first thing we need to know.

Hi Mike - again problems with my ROON and I have now had it for so many month without a single problem! It basically says: 'Library Sinc Time: 19.58.55 and then my e-mail address. The status is successfully signed in.

So it does not see that there is any problem there. I still get the very odd message when I try to add a tidal album : ‘This album has been deleted’

And yes, my tidal albums are still missing!

Ok @rasmussenmorten – sit tight. I’m going to follow up via PM and we’ll get some more information here.

Sorry for the trouble!

Great thanks!

Problem solved itself. Finally ROON managed to get through to tidal again and then the albums reappeared. The conclusion seems to be that the tidal selection ins registered in ROON in such a way that it does not get easily lost, which is reassuring. Also the ROON guys responded quickly. So thank you!

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Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.