This morning I started my Roon core (a Mac Book pro) and only 4000 of my over 14000 albums are showing up in my Roon library. I can see them all if I view them through the Qobuz tab within Roon, but they aren’t in my Roon library anymore (Roon only shows albums added up to sometimes in 2022). No difference if I restart the app, which I have done many times now. This is very annoying, to a point of considering of giving up on Roon - and stop my subscription - and just stream directly from Qobuz. Any tips on how to solve this please? Thank you.
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Moved to Support
Anyone please? Do I need to make a new post into the Support category? Thank you
No, your post has been moved to the Support category, where it will be seen and responded to by the Support team.
Thank you Geoff. It’s just that I cannot see it in the Support category.
This issue seems to pop up now and then.
Hi @Luigi_Vaccaro,
Thanks for your patience while we worked through the queue. Do the albums missing in Roon show up in the Quobuz web player? If they do you can try a manual sync to Quobuz by clicking “Sync library now” from this screen in Roon
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