Allo USBridge board

To ssh in from a Terminal window (I’m on a Mac, don’t know what the equivalent is on windows).

After the prompt type:

ssh root@ being the I.P. address of your USBridge on your network, according to the Roon Audio network settings screen grab you posted.
It should then ask you for a password which should be:


It may ask you to change password, it did for me. Change it to whatever you want.

You should get this:


You will see at the top mine says v6.14 if yours does not then you need to update it.
It may inform you that there is an update available if so simply type:


If it doesn’t inform you that there is an update then type:

dietpi-update 2

This command manually runs the update check, then you can run the update command:


The update process should take a few minutes after which you may need to reboot the USBridge.

I hope that this helps.