Always return to current Album

I feel that I ought to know this; or that it just doesn’t exist?

Is there a way (Roon 2, 1359 (Ventura)) always to get back to whatever I’m listening to now - no matter where I am or where I’ve been (two or three layers deep in Settings or Qobuz etc) with a single click?

The Cmnd+S shortcut displays a large version of album art etc. But not the full details, which would be so useful.

Otherwise I have to go: My Library > Albums > whatever I’m listening to now again to get the screen I want, viz the one with:

  • album art top left
  • album title top centre
  • most important: where I am, which track in the current album’s track listing

Thanks; and apologies in advance if this is so obvious that I’ve just missed it.

I don’t think there is a single click, but two work: Just click the album cover in the bottom play bar (which is equivalent to Cmd+S), then click it again


Thanks, Mario!

The second click is on the large ‘version’ centre screen of the album cover, isn’t it?

It so, two (clicks) is fine :slight_smile:

There’s the minor annoyance that you have to reposition the mouse a little bit for the second click

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Are we really that lazy?

EDIT: In the spirit of OCD, I like to click the back arrow from wherever I am until I get back to the beginning. Then, click the album in bottom left corner. It just seems cleaner that way.

My version above works with every configuration of the play screens - mine defaults to the lyrics. (You can edit the order in which they appear). If you have it configured in such a way that the album cover appears by default, then you can click that one, too:

No problem. A single click might be tidier - one day. But surely low down on Roon’s techs’ list of enhancements - and rightly so.

Like so much here, it’s good (for me, at least) to know how Roon is meant to work, accept it, and do it that way. Thanks again!


Not when we know how to do it, No :slight_smile: .



Thanks for testing :slight_smile: !

Settings > General > Customize album display ?


I’ve been doing that - until today :slight_smile: ; it always works too.

No, from the play screen (or whatever the name is for this) itself:

Go it. Thanks. In fact I find the Album Art the most useful identifier/locator in this case… memory for Albums, I suppose.

Appreciated. ‘Case closed’ :slight_smile: . Just what I wanted to know.

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I’d previously been clicking first on the album cover bottom left, and then on the album link after "On ".

But the album cover as the second click is a much easier target to hit, so thanks for this tip.


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