I feel that I ought to know this; or that it just doesn’t exist?
Is there a way (Roon 2, 1359 (Ventura)) always to get back to whatever I’m listening to now - no matter where I am or where I’ve been (two or three layers deep in Settings or Qobuz etc) with a single click?
The Cmnd+S shortcut displays a large version of album art etc. But not the full details, which would be so useful.
Otherwise I have to go: My Library > Albums > whatever I’m listening to now again to get the screen I want, viz the one with:
album art top left
album title top centre
most important: where I am, which track in the current album’s track listing
Thanks; and apologies in advance if this is so obvious that I’ve just missed it.
I don’t think there is a single click, but two work: Just click the album cover in the bottom play bar (which is equivalent to Cmd+S), then click it again
EDIT: In the spirit of OCD, I like to click the back arrow from wherever I am until I get back to the beginning. Then, click the album in bottom left corner. It just seems cleaner that way.
My version above works with every configuration of the play screens - mine defaults to the lyrics. (You can edit the order in which they appear). If you have it configured in such a way that the album cover appears by default, then you can click that one, too: