I’m trying to confirm whether the mesh network is related to the issue you’re describing, which sounds like the symptoms I’d expect if the Android devices are having trouble maintaining a stable connection to your Core.
It would be helpful if we knew all the basics of your setup, but based on what I know right now, the most obvious difference between your setup and other, more stable setups is the OpenMesh network.
From what I can tell, this is the first time these devices have been mentioned on our community site, and it’s possible we’re interacting badly with them – this could be a Roon bug, or a bug in the OpenMesh devices, or it could be completely unrelated, but the easiest way to confirm that would be to set up your Core connected to a basic DHCP wifi router and try connecting via one of the Android devices.
If that configuration is more stable, at least we know the OpenMesh network is related to your issue. If the problem persists, we need to look elsewhere, like your Core, your Android devices, etc.
Again this is just a simple first step towards understanding why your setup is experiencing this issue. In any event, the details of your setup would be helpful here, and then we can move forward from there.