Some small updates is that I’ve set port forwarding for Roon Arc and when starting Arc it detects the Roon Core correctly, and it’s green. However, it doesn 't connect, keeps spinning the circle.
I’ve also tried setting the roon server ip as DMZ ip and still doesn’t help with the remotes connecting.
Please note that setting DMZ mode on your rotuer is a risky action, we do not suggest using DMZ mode as it can open your network up to external attackers.
Have you tried to delete and reinstall the ARC app yet? What is the model/manufacturer of your router and switch?
Also, please note that a lot of our customers use a free 3rd party app called Tailscale when they have difficulty setting up ARC in the standard way. If you’d like to give Tailscale a try and see if it helps, you can get started with this guide:
Please note that setting DMZ mode on your rotuer is a risky action, we do not suggest using DMZ mode as it can open your network up to external attackers.
Of couse
What is the model/manufacturer of your router and switch?
Switch is an unmanaged D-LInk DGS-105. But we did sort of rule out the switch above…
Have you tried to delete and reinstall the ARC app yet?
I don’t care about ARC to be honest, or at least I care 20 times less then the regular remote working.
Only tried it in the hope it could help in some way to figure out what’s going on with my connections. So i’d continue with it only if there’s some hope for that.
My apologies for not being able to pin this issue down yet - to confirm, is this still the case?
If you allow Roon Server to start at startup, are you able to connect?
When this was successful before, I assume the issue android device was already powered on, with Roon open? What happens if you first power down the mobile device, get Roon Server up and running, and lastly power the Android back on, and open Roon to attempt to connect?
My apologies for not being able to pin this issue down yet - to confirm, is this still the case?
Oh yes, sadly is.
If you allow Roon Server to start at startup, are you able to connect?
Sorry if the context for that was unclear. Allowing Roon server at startup just made Roon start again on the core device, so on my windows PC.
Connecting via any remotes still never worked ( after winter or spring 2023, something like that).
Maybe the collegues above are on to something, all this could have something to do with the network. I do remember that i changed the ISP and the router in that winter, and that Roon remotes were working after that but I may be miss remembering, I’m not sure of it
When this was successful before, I assume the issue android device was already powered on, with Roon open?
So yeah, as above, it wasn’t succesful in a looong time…
No , I’m not able to find anything that sounds like multicast settings in my router web interface
It is pretty barebones, all i see here are: the clasic port forwarding rules, dhcp settings ( offering a weird Option60 & Option43 which i’ve never heard of before ), a Firewall and a DDOS flag ( disabled both in hope that Roon might work) and UPNP which weirdly was disabled but i enabled it. That’s about it.
Again, if you know of any utility to check for multicast on my network do tell and i can try it out
This may be an interesting test. Are you able to test out adding another router to your setup, and then set your current modem/router combo into bridge mode?
I’d keep this enabled for now, unless you’re planning to set up manual port forwarding rules.
Considering it, but would be great to have one more hint at least that the current one handling the routing could be the issue. Still seems somewhat unlikely to me, these devices should be straightforward. And not experiencing anything like this with other apps
Absolutely a reasonable thought to have! If you don’t have a second router available, no need to purchase one for the sake of our troubleshooting!
Another recent diagnostic review of your Android shows Roon skipping all potential interfaces, likely leading to the issue.
As a next step in testing, could you pull up a web player that will transmit data, like a video on youtube on your android, and then attempt to open Roon? We’re hoping that opening the data stream prior to Roon may change the behavior of not being able to access the devices IP.
I mean okay, but do recall that i’ve had the same issue with connecting to the roon server from another windows laptop as a remote.
So i’m not sure how this ideea of the remote discarding network interfaces holds up (now that we’re talking of differrent operating systems). Also do further recall that the ip of the remotes appears in the logs of the Roon Server, so some level of connection is at least attempted and gets through, up to a point.
I did quickly start the youtube app and have a video playing (easy enoungh to try of course), before starting the Roon remote. But no change , remote still stuck like before
Thanks for the additional info. I am re-reading this thread and if both the Android and another Windows PC are not connecting to the primary server, then you are right, it is not likely on the Android side of things, but rather the network or Roon Server side of things.
Have you tried to temporarily host the Roon Server on the other PC as well? Are you faced with the same issues vice-versa or is it only in one direction to the current Server?
Have you by any chance tried to add another router? Based on your observation, it is very possible that the ISP router is somehow interfering here.
Yeah, that’s a good ideea. I did that, installed Roon on windows 11 laptop, and connecting from remote WORKED without any issue. Which means the network should be, at least in most part, okay.
So i returned back to the desktop, removed roon and settings, disabled firewall and again, and re-install. It still failed on the desktop
Since i have two network connections on my motherboard, I even switch to the other one, but no change, still remote cannot connect.
I guess i could try now with the laptop using the same wire the desktop does, I’ll do that next and I’ll let you know.
Since I’m able to connect via the rooter: laptop core <-wireless-> router <-wireless-> remote seems that it’s likely not an issue with the router.
okay so i ran my test (as explained in previous message ) which was to disconnect the ethernet cable from the desktop and plug it into my laptop (that successfully had remotes connecting to it before).
After plugging into the laptop, indeed remote could no longer connect. I’ve disconnected the ethernet cable then & connected to wifi. Remote could again connect to the laptop now.
Thanks for running that test. Since the connection works on WiFi, but not on Ethernet, this suggests that your WiFi network and your Ethernet network are on separate subnets. You might have two routers on your network, sometimes modems also have router capabilities so you might accidentally be running two routers, I would suggest checking this aspect.
So, I couldn’t find relevant setting in my router.
However, I contacted my ISP support, explaining the issue with multicast probably being filtered between wireless and normal LAN clients. Donno what they did, probably they uploaded some configuration to my router. But seems solved now, only took them an hour
Too bad it took all this long to figure it out
In the end this issue probably has nothing to do with Roon itself (especially as ISP fixed it so easily, probably something they are aware already). Was meaning to politely ask for a discount of sorts as i was pretty much unable to use Roon this time, but that does seem out of place now
Anyway, thanks for the replies here, for sure they helped me steer me in the right direction