Android resolution issue

your screen resolution is too small to run Roon
Android Samsung SM-T113
tried to change DPI but no avail

Hey @Bart_Brichau – we’re going to enable some diagnostics on your account so we can look at what the device is telling us about resolution.

From what I can tell, the resolution on this device should be enough for our phone interface, but it may be reporting itself to us as a tablet, in which case we’ll need to see if there’s a workaround possible here.

For now, can you relaunch Roon on the tablet so it submits some diagnostic information to us? Then we can get a better sense of what’s happening on this device. Thanks!

That tablet has a pretty low resolution of 1024x600 – no way it can run tablet mode.

Phone mode may be possible if your DPI setting is giving you near 1:1

What is your DPI setting? What did you try?