I bought a Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition unit and have been playing a bit with it. It’s this: Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition - Home Assistant
What I describe below may require their cloud subscription to use tts.cloud_say.
Someone suggested elsewhere on this forum that Roon add a feature to announce track and artist. It was trivial to get that working with this device as the speaker. In case anyone wants to play with or improve my little automation, it’s basically this (you’ll obviously have to change the player and playback devices).
alias: Say Artist and Track
description: ""
- platform: state
- media_player.office_roon_gminimini
attribute: media_title
conditions: []
mode: single
- service: tts.cloud_say
message: >
{% set title = state_attr('media_player.office_roon_gminimini', 'media_title') %}
{% set artist = state_attr('media_player.office_roon_gminimini', 'media_artist') %}
{% if '/' in artist %}
{% set parts = artist.split('/') %}
{% set formatted_artist = parts[:-1] | join(', ') + ' and ' + parts[-1] %}
{% else %}
{% set formatted_artist = artist %}
{% endif %}
Now playing {{ title }} by {{ formatted_artist }}
entity_id: media_player.home_assistant_voice_09232f_media_player
Just a fun little thing.
[edit: updated to remove "/" characters from artists since the Roon integration appears to add them and they get spoken aloud]