Another Qobuz not syncing thread

Hi @support I seem to be another victim of albums not syncing when added to Qobuz favourites in the Qobuz app. I have resynced library since adding them and nothing appears. They are in my favourites in the Qobuz App and show up in my favourites in the Roon App Qobuz section but dont appear in my library,

Here you see in Qobuz section Two Rodrigo Y Gabriela Albums

But not here

Or If I search for them they do not appear in my library

Absolutely the same problem as I have.

Thanks for reporting.

Your welcome. Qobuz integration not quite as stable as Tidal. Needs some work yet.

Hi @Simon_Arnold3,

Thanks for reaching out! We are currently looking into syncing issues with Qobuz and will be sure to keep you updated here when new information is available.


thanks Dylan

I have the same problem.

Hi everyone,

We’ve received word from Qobuz that they’ve rolled out an update that should resolve any syncing issues. Let us know how things are going now that this fix has been released.


Thanks for the update will let you know if have any other issues.

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