Anyone imported a Sonicorbitor SE to UK?

As topic suggests - anyone imported and using an SE in UK.

Yes, took a couple of weeks including five days in customs, for which I had to pay £21 in customs charges. It came with a basic American power adapter as I’d sourced an iFi one in the UK.

Thanks Ashley. Unless there is any obvious advantage to sourcing the Ifi one in the UK - I might just order it with it.

And your thoughts? Happy?


Not that I can claim to be in the UK, this week of all weeks but I had no issues with importing to Ireland, the nice An Post man didn’t even collect VAT on it.
I ordered the ifi supply with it, again with no issues, but it does add a fair bit of weight to the parcel so it might be worth seeing how postage is effected with and without PS.

I had issues with the optical out and my Naim DAC (as detailed here on another thread) and had no issue with the return.

I purchased from @agillis of


Thanks SJB - yes, ordering through Andrew. Thanks for the info.


I might actually be cheaper to purchase the iFi from us. The iFi comes with adapters for US plus all EU countries. It’s the same unit sold world wide. And it doesn’t add to the shipping cost.

All done Andrew - and with the iFi. Very excited.


Hi John,

I’m looking to use the Sonicorbitor SE into a NAC-N 272 via optical and wondered what your thoughts were via the NDAC?

I’m currently going via an Apple TV which isn’t ideal as it down samples as far as I’m aware.

Thanks in advance.


I have no direct experience with it, but it should work great.