I have an Apple TV connected to a Denon x3300 surround receiver and when I try to regulate the volume in Roon the sound level out of my speakers is the same whether I set the software volume to 1 or 100
It’s been a while since I used this setup now, but I’m pretty sure it used to work to adjust the volume in Roon, but now it doesn’t do anything at all.
I don’t have a Denon, but do you have CEC activated on the AppleTV’s HDMI input on the Denon so the Apple volume can control the Denon (or the Denon’s can control the AppleTV’s)?
No, I don’t think so, and I don’t think I ever have. But shouldn’t the software volume control in Roon work on the AppleTV? It used to do that a couple of years ago, I think
Yes, but that’s not how it’s supposed to work is it? The AppleTv shouldn’t control the Denons volume control, Roon should vary its software signal strength out while the volume control on the Denon stays at the same level