ARC 1.0.9 high CPU usage

Guys why ARC is so CPU intensive?

Idle, no music playing at all, app opened:

Music playing, it stay at 66-67% of cpu usage, with or without Tailscale, in or out of offline mode:

Comparison playing with Apple Music:

I thought in the past the issue was Tailscale but it is not, this is a massive hit for the phone’s performance and battery life.

Can this be fixed to make ARC usable in the real world?

Do I need a new phone just to run ARC, this is a iPhone 13 Pro, no will of new phone at all.

No effects at all even volume leveling was disabled

Should this topic be moved to support?


Try disabling all DSP when playing music.

DSP is disabled, not sure anyone else has the same issue

Can I ask why you are running 1.0.9? The latest early access is 1.0.62 build 330.

I am running the latest one 1.0.9 330:

You are using a Early Access build, and this, amongst other things can happen with Early Access builds and bug reporting is part of that process.

Might be worth moving to the latest production build of you don’t want bugs :man_shrugging:

hard to say if that’s the case, I guess I will have to install the latest stable version and test, I find hard to believe the stable release will behave OK.

You playing to Bluetooth? As it can use DSP to sample rate convert to the rate your headphones can handle.

mainly CarPlay which I am not sure if it is bluetooth or wifi… no conversion at all, I downloaded my complete library to my phone, so no file goes through the network.

has anyone checked if the utilization is high at all on your devices?

Installed Device Monitor, iPhone 15 Pro Max:

  • Without ARC running, I have the same as you, approx. 5% to 10%, variable, mostly around 7%
  • Same with ARC running but not playing
  • With ARC playing 44.1/16, no DSP, it hovers around 13%-20% most of the time (sometimes short spikes up to 38%), same on home wifi and 5G.

It will be converted if higher than 44.1 for CarPlay if not using USB it’s Bluetooth.