ARC Build 222 keeps getting background paused [Resolved]

I recently got the new ARC build (smart downloads yay!) but it keeps getting background paused on Android 14 (build UQ1A.231205.015, Pixel 8 Pro).

Basically, music playback is normal if I keep ARC in the foreground, but if I switch apps, music playback will pause after a minute or so. switching back to ARC resumes playback (roughly immediately).


I’ve got the same on a Pixel 7 on Android 14. Both when using USB drivers and not.

I also have a Pixel7a with Android 14 but I don’t have this problem

Thanks for reporting this. We’ll check into it today.

I have a Pixel 8 Pro as @directxman12 does, and I think I’m experiencing the same behaviors.

If I’m not actively doing anything with the phone, so far I’ve had better luck leaving ARC in the foreground and turning the display off.

We’ve got a fix coming for this in the next day or so.


I found it was occuring when switching from Arc to Chrome on my Samsung A54, Android 14 :wink:

Hmm, I suspect that’s related to audio interruptions stuff. Were you playing audio in chrome or on a site which may have been?

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That’s exactly what it felt like but didn’t occur every time :person_shrugging::thinking:

In chrome, it was only one tab open with this wonderful forum open :wink:

Just to confirm 223 has fixed this for me. Thanks for jumping on it so quickly.

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