Arc can’t access full album track list from saved album

Roon Core Machine

iMac 2021 8gb i5

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Wifi router A7 not really relevant to this issue.

Connected Audio Devices

Not relevant. Issue is in software design of Arc

Number of Tracks in Library

30,000 +

Description of Issue

From the saved album tracks usually in the Roon main desktop app there is a link that says something like “see full Album on qobuz” from there you can simply click and there you get the full album all tracks.

On Arc so far I can’t find any way to get to full album from saved tracks .

Example .

Album “x” you have 2 tracks saved to personal library.

You see that Album in Arc and the 2 tracks are available.

From the player screen there is no way to actually go to the full album.

Clicking on the Album art just takes you back to the saved tracks .

Clicking on Artist and then viewing the album via the discography link takes you back to the “2” saved tracks in personal library.

Clicking on the menu the is no link to full Album as seen when in Radio player mode.

I’ve tried all objects and buttons that are links to this or that but now actually get me to the Full Album Track list.

But, for example I go to discography and view the same album, different version or release, and if it’s no saved in my library all racks are obviously available.

So, I’ve either overlooked something that Is obvious and right in front of me and I would greatly appreciate it if I could be educated on that , or there is a software design issue that does not have a link to the full album track list when viewing saved tracks . I really don’t get it and thought that sucks thing would be same as the desktop app.

See screen shots below,

Shows example of “2” saved tracks in library, from there I have found no way to get to full album. Obviously I have latest build and am online .

See screen shot of when in radio mode and the is a link to full album… W T f ??

So please help me understand what am I doing wrong here , I’m all ears … no pun intended.

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Why no response??? It’s been 5 days since in posted this

Why no response from Support???

19 Days ago originally posted… what am I paying for???

As I think you have realised from other threads, this functionality is not yet present in ARC, so posting a Support request is not going to get it resolved by the Support team.

The lack of a “see full album” link in ARC (present in the Desktop and Roon Remote apps) was noted by Early Access testers back in September. Roon Labs said at the time that it was on the list of features to be implemented post-release of version 1.0. I assume that it is still on the list, but other functionality and bug-fixes have clearly taken priority.

There is a workaround that works for albums that have multiple versions, but for now the best thing is to register your Vote in the Feature Suggestion thread by clicking on the Vote button.

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