My ARC connection has served perfectly from the beginning.
My core is an iMac.
All running the latest software updates, and now suddenly ARC is not working anymore?
‘unable to securely acces Roon server’
My iPhone see the core, just cannot connect outside of the wifi.
When I look into the setup, the iMac cannot find the Roon OS (no idea if this has something to do with it?)
Please bear in mind I am in no way an IT-expert, basic guidance needed hahaha.
Just don’t get it, it all worked perfectly and now (with same router, core etc etc) it suddenly doesnt.
I’ve tried everything from rebooting all the devices, re-installing all the software etc etc
Please check your Mac firewall and ensure that your Roon software is able to communicate through the firewall. There are tons of posts around these forums with similar reports, and Apple changed the firewall settings in the latest update.