ARC unable to access USB library tracks while Roon Rock plays them locally (ref#JAGOKO)

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· I'm having trouble with Roon ARC

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Describe the issue

ARC cannot see USB attached library tracks, even though Roon Rock has imported them library and can play them locally without issue.

Describe your network setup

pfsense router, unifi switches, all devices hard wired except for remotes. OPENVPN for ARC connectivity. Confirmed working. ROCK installed on Lenovo Mini PC

Post deleted for clarity

Hi @Sean_O,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this issue. What you describe is certainly odd behavior. Can you make sure there aren’t any filters or focus settings active on ARC? That could cause some things to be unable to be seen. If that isn’t what’s happening have you ever seen these tracks appear in ARC before? If so when?

Hi Daniel, thanks for reaching out. I have run some more tests this morning. Checking the albums list in ARC the albums are indeed showing. So that is positive. However, playing these albums/tracks seems to be the issue.

Accessing ARC whilst on the local network the tracks play fine. When I switch over to cellular/vpn its like the local tracks are not there or playable - spinning wheel. I can choose a QOBUZ version of the album and it streams immediately. Go back to the library version and the spinning wheel happens.

If I leave the spinning wheel it then gives me an error of poor connection. Go back to QOBUZ version it streams immediately.

This leads me to believe it is not the connection as its only when accessing a local file on Roon server.

I have done a reinstall of server software just in case. I have also greatly simplified the setup for testing by adding only a USB drive with two albums on it. There are some albums that seem to be installed on the OS drive. Possible downloads? These seem to play over remote connection fine however.

So ARC accessing the external USB drive to play over a remote connection seems to be where it stalls.

I will leave this setup as is for now so please feel free to access logs or whatever you need.

Sorry, just to clarify and get the full picture: Your later test result,

invalidates what you thought earlier, so we can forget about this?

Hi @Suedkiez , thanks for that query. That did not make sense - I have removed it for clarity.

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Hi @daniel , just a quick follow up.

Hi @Sean_O,
Sorry about the wait for a reply.

This is a telling detail. When playing tracks from a streaming service in ARC the app doesn’t need to be able to contact your Roon server. It only needs to contact the streaming service’s servers. However when playing local content ARC does need a strong reliable connection to your Roon server.

If that’s the case you would also have trouble playing tracks from that USB storage when using Roon remote. Does that happen? If it does then try different cables and USB ports to see if that’s the issue.

If it doesn’t I noticed that you said you are using OpenVPN to connect to your system. Currently we support using Tailscale for the same purpose. Could you try using Tailscale instead of OpenVPN to see if it makes a difference? This article talks about how to set that up.

Hi @daniel , thanks for the follow up.

Good to know regarding the streaming services.

I have instigated Tailscale and the same behavior is exhibited.

#On Local Network#
All tracks play normally from my attached USB drive (main library) - including native DSD512 files - there is no issue accessing the USB drive in this case.

#On ARC via Tailscale VPN#
Can not play any tracks that exist on attached USB drive - spinning wheel on ARC
(Of note - I can play tracks that exist on my ROCK install drive - I think these must have been an inadvertent download from a streaming service)
ARC can see the albums/tracks etc - it says its connected to server and cloud - it just does not want to play them from the local USB drive.

I agree this is an odd scenario. Almost like there is an OS permissions issue accessing the external drive to read it - but only from ARC.

Is there some log files I can send you that might give you some more information?

Hi @Sean_O,
For due diligence can you delete and reinstall ARC from your phone. We think ARC isn’t properly connected to your server. Hopefully reinstalling will fix that.

HI @daniel , thanks for follow up.
I have reinstalled ARC again and done all the logins on the local network. Switched over to tailscale and the same issue is happening.
Can play via ARC the USB attached tracks without issue whilst on local network.
Can NOT play via ARC the USB attached tracks whilst on vpn.

Hi @daniel , just a small note. I tried an fresh install of Roon Server on DietPi platform. Seemed to make no difference to this issue.