Art Director in Valence

Over the last month I’ve submitted, using Art Director in Valence, about 25 artist images for artists that had none. Those are all still showing as pending. It used to take a day or two for images to become active, but it seems that no one is moderating this anymore, so they just sit there, pending. Is this something that the new owners of Roon are doing away with? That would be a shame, because a black screen, with small text, is a lot less elegant and appealing than images of the artist on the screen.

Hi @Richard_Foster ,

Thanks for reaching out. Can you please provide a few examples of artists you’ve submitted content for that are still missing? We’ll be able to look into this further after having that information, thanks!

Actually, I don’t remember most of them. When I’m listening, and a song with no image comes up, and I’m not otherwise busy, I find a good quality image to upload. My stats say how many I’ve posted, and how many are pending, but not which ones. Also, in the one day since I reported this, over half of them are no longer pending. It just shows 11 pending today, it was 25 yesterday.

Hi @Richard_Foster,
Without any specific examples its difficult to proceed with troubleshooting. Since some of the pending ones have already gone through perhaps its a problem that will resolve itself. Has the number pending continued to go down?