Artist Arthur Grumiaux is showing no CV [Ticket In]

The CV for the violinist Arthur Grumiaux is available at Musikbrainz. But it is not showing up at roon.
Please correct.

You might be linking to the wrong person. I get the CV of him in my collection:

Hi bbrip. I tried it again, without changing anything. Now it works :slight_smile:
New funny topic:
there is the Grumiaux Trio, which shows in roon the members. But it doesen’t matter on which name you click you will end up always at Eva Czatko:

Again, I cant quite replicate that. I get the Grumiaux Trio, and their three members. And clicking on any of them, links to the correct artist and brings up their CV, resp. at least birth and dead dates.

Maybe your system is a bit slow loading stuff?

Same here. my links in the Grumiax trio page all point to… Georges Jander

Thanks, @Cosmic_Encounter — I’ve passed this along to the team for investigation.

For “Quartetto Esterhazy” it is the same: 3 Members, but jumps to Alda Stuurop

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