Artist Equivalence Issues

To be more clear, no data at all has been edited from my side. The information below the album cover is generated by my folder setup.

Okay. Are you preferring local tag metadata for anything?

That is correct.

I mean that I can see how it’s connected in the “edit album” section.

Thanks Michael. Final question if I may. What are your library’s global import settings for prefer file metadata?

Main Menu --> Settings --> Library --> Import Settings / Metadata preferences for albums

Thanks for taking your time Joel :slight_smile:

Thanks Michael; I can see how this could cause even more confusion if there has been silent overriding of (incorrect) Roon metadata. If the album artist still said “Afterhours”, this would have sent me in a different direction… Allowing this flexibility in the Roon product can make it a lot harder to figure out where the actual problem lies (TIDAL’s metadata in this case…). I going to work out how to get the metadata I need to resolve these issues efficiently. And I also need to find the best way to fix your problem…

Great! Thanks again for your time :slight_smile: keep up the good work. I just started working on moving my monster collection into “Roon” so expect me to get back again :wink:

Let me know if you need any additional data.

Found an issue with The Bangles and Bangles.

Tidal has two separate Artists listed, but they need concatenating on Bangles (which has the bio page).

Thanks @anon55914447. That was an easy one…

No problem.

Was only looking at the Bangles for equivalence research purposes, of course :blush:


And there’s us thinking you wanted to “walk like an Egyptian” :wink:

Nothing wrong with that, mind you, particularly if you’re Egyptian.

Can I just say a Happy New Year and thank you to @Joel for all his hard work on this and all other metadata matters.

Wrong association when clicking the artist…

Brazillian band showing up. Same name but… Not correct.

shoulld be:

Here’s the (correct) text describing John Williams the guitarist. The photo is John Williams the composer/conductor.


Hi @Esskay. I think that that’s a hangover from before we edited John Williams, because the image is correct now.

You’ll have to do a manual artist image update. The current headline image for John Williams (classical guitarist) is the following:

@Michael_Vinberg Edit made for RPM.

Your job isn’t easy. You’ve got the wrong John Williams guitarist. You have this guy:, not the Australian (mostly) classical guitarist. Check the hairline in the photos.


Okay, I’d already made an edit earlier today to separate a mixture of (non-film composer) John Williamses. I confess I wasn’t sure about the photo…

Is this him? Unfortunately, the best that Rovi can do…

That’s him - a while ago.

This is still confusing in my system, it thinks most of my music from the english LFO is actualy from the US LFO, for example the “Warp10+3 Remixes” album, the tracks from LFO are linked to the US version, but under credits the performer links to the UK, but under composer it links to the US. All of the Warp10+2 Classics album is linked to the (wrong) US artist.