Odd behavior here. On the Bill Evans artists page “Top Track” and “Albums” are missing. It jumps straight to “Appearances”.
When I search on the individual albums they are in Roon, for example “Waltz for Debby”. And the albume has Bill Evans listed as an artist twice, “Bill Evans / Bill Evans”. And those linked pages have the same issue. Albms not listed.
This is disconcerting. Roon’s core feature is presenting music we own to us in a user friendly interface. Major problems like this should not happen with major artists for no apparent reason.
There should be no app update necessary for metadata. Roon’s database should be updated several times per week and these updates pushed to your library automatically. No update of the app was needed to mess it up in the first place. It just happened for no appararent reason about 5 days ago and the last update was about 3 weeks ago already
it’s not for me…
I still get the results from Bill Evans the saxophonist, who’s on tour it seems . Still only the same 4 (wrong) Tidal albums showing on the artist page. The only way to get to the the other Bill Evans albums on Tidal is by using search.
@fritzg are you seeing the same? The screenshots are a few post above
That is the problem I had. It is gone now and back to normal. though “Bill Evans” is mentioned twice as the artist (both links go to the correct artist page).
We fixed some Bill Evans related metadata issues in the last week. It can take up to 2 weeks for those changes to filter down to your library, but let me know if you’re not seeing any change here in that time frame ok?
The problem is worse then before Mike… I now have 3 Bill Evans entries under artists…all only showing only 3 albums… I own 8 AND the artist page still shows only 4 tidal albums (all for the “wrong” Bill Evans)