Artist photos, please improve or allow customizing

As a guy who suddenly got old and finds himself listening to other old guys. I’m finding that the artist view in Roon to not be as useful as I would like. Many band pictures are current and not representative of what the artists looked like when they recorded the albums in my library. Some artists look like other artists or I have no idea that an artist actually looks like. Many artists have no images available and I get a plaid “pictures”.

In the case of no artist image, I’d suggest using the highest rated album cover in its place.

Also being able to edit or adjust the crop of images or read user images from the library whould be very nice to replace the images. Here’s a few examples of why I say different images would be nice:


I would know that bald dome anywhere…


Clearly that’s the Chicago Symphony…


not the best picture of the artist…


He’s a little shy…


I just add my own artist image if I feel the need. A simple google images search finds something most of the time…

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