Audio analysis doesn't appear to be correct

I just add my question to this topic, if its wrong, just let me know and we can move it…

I get sometimes wrong analysis…

at the right side, you can see no spectrum analysed, but music plays the same as shown on the left side of the bar…

in fact the spectrum analyses doesnt match the bar… any input why this is??

Hi @Rantanplanary,

Would you mind sharing this track with us so we can take a look?

Ideally, you can zip up the entire folder and send me a private message containing a shared dropbox link. If you don’t have Dropbox or need another way to send the media, just let me know.


Hello Dylan…

I have sent you the Link to the Album…

Track, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 have this behaviour…

Im really curious…, thanks for your support…

Kind regards…

Thanks, @Rantanplanary!

I’ll pass that along to the team and let you know when I have their feedback on this.


Hello Dylan… Could anyone figure out anything?

Kind rehards

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