I have a M-chip Mac, and can run the Audrivana iPad application on my MacBook - it is a shame I can not connect the Audrivana software to another “core” like Roon…
For the LONGEST time I felt Audrivana sounded better than Roon, but I could not get around the library navigation deficiencies, the crashing, the constant “LOST CONNECTION” issues, and the disconnect between local content and the streaming content. So I was SUPER EXCITED is a dedicated Linux Audrivana would make it better. For me, on an average powerful Intel I5 with 16 gig of RAM, even Unbuntu Linux $hit the bed and could not deliver. So I reformatted the MacMini to MacOS and tried Audrivana on MacOS. And it was (again) sounding better than Roon, except: 1) any upsampling was not smooth 2) it worked Perry good with USB (until it got lost and I could not stop/pause/next/anything) Audrivana. So I rebooted ALOT… but it still sounded better. then 3) I tried it with my Lumin streamer, and Audrivana, which “Plays with Lumin”, didn’t. The sound progress bar often didn’t;t work, and after a while Stop/Pause/next stopped working again. And when I rebooted I had to manually reselect my DAC (and for USB had to pull/reconnectg the USB calble to see the DAC). But it sounded better…
Until I found #RoonOnly mode on Lumin, and now all the sound advantage of Audrivana is mostly gone
So disappointing for Audrivana, but I am only out $6 for the month to resubscribe.
Back to Roon, and its truly best in class EVERYTHING!
Extra special thanks to @wilke - who works for Lumin and troubleshoots the $hit out of everything – THAT is the model of how to use message boards to grow a brand!