I’ve had the same problem with my system for a long while now. I’ve even written about it on this board before with no positive results. So I’m following this thread in hopes you figure it out. I contacted Auralic Vega G2 DAC people who helped me realize it wasn’t the DAC. They thought it was Roon related. But I didn’t figure it might be the streamer, so that’s interesting. I’ve slowly reset resync delay in Roon but no luck yet. For me popping seems to occur switching resolution from low (16/44, say) to higher resolution. Good luck.
Thanks for the report, I’ve moved your post to a new thread to help keep things organized. Can you tell me if you are using the USB or Ethernet input on your Vega G2 when you experience this behavior?
And Paul, I can recommend the G2 highly and I only use it as a DAC. My streamer is an Antipodes which I also love. I also have the Auralic Leo clock which takes it all to another level which still blows me away. I’m a happy camper.
This appears to be related to a known issue effecting certain USB DACs using the XMOS chipset on Linux. We will be sure to reach out to AURALiC with this report. In the meantime, you may be able to prevent this issue from occurring by enabling the “Headroom Management” option in Roon’s DSP Engine. This will lower the volume of stream slightly, however it will prevent the device from switching bit-depths which is believed to be the trigger of the issue.
Any particular reason why you are using USB instead of the Ethernet port? The Vega G2 is a Roon Ready certified device. I use mine as a Roon endpoint over Ethernet, and have never experienced any popping when changing format/resolution from song to song…
As long as headroom management is enabled and set to a negative value, that should be all that’s needed to reduce the chances of running into this issue.
John, I just reread this and I’m still trying to fix this problem. The only output from the Antipodes server is USB as far as I can see. So no ethernet input to Auralic DAC. Am I wrong?