B1159 Roon Remote Android hangs when going to "Bryan Adams" artist page [Ticket in]

Using B1559, with the Android Roon Remote.


  1. start on the home page
  2. search for “Bryan Adam’s” and select it

App will hang after a second, and continue to hang on start up unless you can back away from the artist page fast enough.

Please let me know if there’s other information you need me to get, or want me to submit a ticket.

Also hangs when clicking on the artist name of Harold Budd when playing a track.

Happens on iOS and MAC, and the Mac app now starts and quits after loading roon.

Seems he’s getting his wish!


Try turning off Wikipedia and TiVo under:

Settings → General → Editorial Sources.

You lose artist and recording info, but your remote won’t freeze.

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Busy :+1: :slight_smile:

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I"m getting a client crash when anything regarding Harold budd is clicked, artist screen, album screen, search results,… etc. Windows client with both a ROCK or Windows Core.

Follow Up: I turned off Wikipedia and Harold Budd doesn’t crash anymore.

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Hi, all!

We have on open ticket about a similar problem. There is a bug in displaying Wikipedia data on Android devices. Apologies for that.




Hello, I am getting this on iOS and Mac OSX Ventura.

Thank you Vincent for sharing that, very helpful.
I got home after being away a few days and both my Android phones were already on artist screens so both crashed as soon as they started up and repeatedly crashed on every restart.
I deleted the storage and cache on both and as soon as I went into an artist they crashed again, what a nightmare!!

Found this thread and wiped all storage again and disabled Editorial and both working again now.

Difficult to understand how something like this got through any kind of testing, even past Alpha testing though @ivan

Hopefully though people can find this post and get it sorted, maybe it could be pinned

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For me cleaning the cache does not resolve the issue on Mac, and could also be present on iOS. Simply crashes roon cliking on the artist name.

Also present on the latest buid that came out today.

FYI, my crash was on Windows client not Android.

I should post an update in this thread. Unfortunately, there are 2 issues that we discovered:

  • One is Android specific (for mobile phones) that Roon Remote app can hang when opening Wikipedia data.
  • Another one is related to Dark Theme + specific artist details pages with Wikipedia data set as top priority or when switching to it on artist details. This one is on platform or device specific, unfortunately.

Apologies for troubles.
