B1458 May need double restart for seeing Smart Playlists

Just so you know, a double restart may be necessary.

For me it was.

  1. Started the update for the ROCK from the iPhone remote, it rebooted normally
  2. Then I updated in this order: 1. iPhone remote, 2. macOS remote, 3. iPad remote.
  3. Looked in the iPhone, iPad, and macOS remotes: No SPLs to be seen
  4. Restarted ROCK and the macOS remote again.
    → macOS now showed SPL option, and so did iPhone and iPad without restarting the apps, so I guess it was the ROCK’s double restart that was necessary.

ARC, even after many reboots of the server and ARC itself, does not show the option “new smart playlist”, but see those created on the server. Is this an expected behavior?:thinking:

AFAICT, ARC has no playlist creation feature at all?

Normal playlists and folders can be created

Where is that, can’t find it?
EDIT: Oh I see, in the three dot menu

As for SPL, I suppose ARC can’t do it because it simply doesn’t have the Focus feature that is clearly the basis for SPL.

Yep, Smart Playlists are built around Focus criteria and ARC does not have Focus (yet).

For now, you can access and play Smart Playlists in ARC, but editing the underlying criteria happens in Roon.


Hi Mike,

Just to be clear, Smart Playlists pulls the entire album(s) as chosen by the Focus Criteria and puts it into a new Playlist?
