I created a Smart Playlist by tracks (also tried it with albums with same issue) and it seems to ignore my banned artists/albums.
Is this correct behavior?
I used a genre, and negated “played in last 6 months” initially. So it should be playing tracks that have not been played in the last six months from that genre. i would also think it would ignore banned artist when generating the playlist?
I added two of the artists to the focus and then “negated” the selection and it seems to work. But this would be cumbersome if it was more than just a few banned items.
Hi, @bearFNF, thank you for your report! Could you, please, clarify and illustrate this issue with a screenshot? What does “ignore” mean in this context?
I have banned artists (Bill Engvall, and Jeff Foxworthy) that have albums in my Library so that they do not get included when I shuffle play my library. I don’t want comedy stand-up to get played when I want to listen to music. I have also done this with christmas music and soundtracks that are in my library.
When I create the SPL it ignores (apparently does not see) the banned state of the artists and includes the banned artists when it is generating the playlist. I would think it should see the banned state of the artists and not add them to the playlist.
For the two stated artists I was able to add them to the SPL focus setting and then “negate” them (see screenshots) so they appear to now not be included in the updated Smart playlist, but this would be cumbersome to add all the “banned” items every time I create a Smart playlist.
Let me know if there other questions.
Here are screenshots of the playlist settings.
Initial SPL settings: