B149 ARC connection after last update [Resolved]


Is it just me having issues connecting to Roon ARC (early access) after the last update?

Need to reboot Roon Server every day now and when asking Roon Client to check the Roon ARC connection I don’t even get a reason why it can’t find it - just rolling to check the connection. After few reboots, it is suddenly all good without changing anything. I have a static IP address to the Roon Server on my wifi.

Nothing else has changed in my system apart from an update on iOS and my Amplifi Alien Router.
Running Roon Server on MacMini M1


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I am also suddenly unable to connect to Arc outside of my network since the latest update. On network also very flakey. Restarted virgin superhub, restarted core, reset arc etc, no joy. Have ended up leaving early access and going back to production, seems to be working fine. I, perhaps childishly, get excited about Roon updates so was keen to be on the early access program. But my poor router/networking skills probably make this a bad idea for me!

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Thanks for your feedback - I had a lot of issues before I got the MacMini and I was also thinking the same thing going back out of early access just to try to pin down where the issue was, but after I got the MacMini all been all fine up to the latest update.

Will give it a few more days to see how it goes and if it doesn’t improve, will also leave the early access.


Hi @Nicolai_Garland,

Just as a datapoint I’m running B149 ARC and Roon B1216 and it’s ok here.

Have you checked on the Roon → Settings → Roon ARC page to see if the port connection is ok?

Hi - Running same versions

Yes, I am checking the settings, when I cannot get in contact with the Core with Roon ARC.
Needless to say it not saying that the port connection is ok and only spinning to check it without giving any fault as I have got before. When I reboot Roon Server a couple of times it works and the setting confirm all ok with the port connection

It didn’t work again this morning and I did a re-boot of the Roon Server and all was fine again - now I see that Roon Arc has not had contact with Core for the last five hours… pretty annoying as I now need to use Quboz, Tidal or Spotify app instead as there is nothing I can do to re-boot Roon Server/Core remote.


When i checked on Arc Settings on my core, the usual port 41045 and IP were showing up. But the testing wheel just kept spinning…

One thing that may be of significance in my case and hopefully useful feedback is that last week I deauthorised my Rock Core and switched to my 1.8 core on my laptop for travelling (I do this regularly). On my journey I forgot I would not have core access and used Arc on Android Auto, which worked fine for about 1/2 hour before telling me there was a problem. When I got back I reauthorised my Rock core, accepted the waiting early access update and made sure ios and android apps were updated. It was from this point that I had no access on Arc, Roon Remote was fine however. Not sure how significant this may be but could the problem have arisen from the reauthorisation processes?

Perhaps try resetting Roon ARC to see if that improves things? Scroll to the bottom of the ARC home screen to see the Reset link.

Be aware that a reset will clear all files downloaded to ARC.

A Reset will disconnect from your Roon Core, and then you can make a new connection to it.

Thanks for your suggestion, but not following you on the “reauthorized process”

Roon Remote has been fine all the time - it’s Roon ARC that is losing connection after some time and I will need to reboot Roon Core/Server.


Thanks Geoff, didn’t help for me - couldn’t connect to my core after reset…

I have also tried resetting Roon ARC without any improvement.


Sorry Nicolai, that was specific to my use case. It’s all working for me now I have production versions, so I’ll stop hijacking your thread! Good luck…

No worries and thanks for your help!

Think I will also go down your route and leave early access.


Similar issue here…

@connor is aware

Possible workaround is to disable upnp at router and set up port forwarding manually.

Thanks for your suggestion.

I have tried disable and open UPnP on the router.

Its already set up manually for static IP with the same port number as I have in Roon


OK. Probably not the same issue then. Hope you find a solution.

(I thought you had a Virgin router too - but re-reading more carefully I see it was olchon. Sorry.)

I’m having the same issues as described Can’t access Roon ARC from here in the house via WI-FI or on the road away from the house tried various reboots of Roon, reinstall of Roon ARC, rebooted router. UPnP turned off then on. On the Roon ARC page a constant spinning for testing. I was okay prior to the latest update

Sounds like a few of us having at least similar problems then.

Did you try leaving upnp off on the router, and setting up port forwarding manually on the router using a different number?

I wasn’t making notes as I was trying possible workarounds; I probably stopped Roon server and restarted it after manually setting port forwarding. I don’t know if that is significant.

Thanks to alll for giving suggestions.

I have done all of this. It seems to be working for about 1 hour after reboot and then it loose connection…

I am pretty sure this have something to do with the update it self and not any settings as it was working without any issues prior to the latest update


You’re probably right. I’m just offering a workaround that I know has worked for at least two of us. I guess your issue is different. Sorry.

Yea I’ve tried everything but maybe my attempts may be out of sequence so I’ll wait for a fix from the roon team