B161 broke my album art CarPlay [investigating]

Unlike others I’d never had issues with Album art being displayed in CarPlay but B161 has changed all that. I now have zero album art. If I use the app on the phone while connected to CarPlay the now playing shows an old image from a different album/track that doesn’t change when tracks change.

Thanks for flagging this Mike. Is the wonky album art also the case for normal use? When you look at your phone’s lock screen is the art also out of sync?

The lock screen was also out of sync, and at least consistent with the CarPlay ‘Now Playing’ image

Thanks, this feels linked to a bug we’re working on affecting the art on the lock screen and transport controls. Will pass to development.

I have also got missing artwork from CarPlay, this was fixed a couple of builds ago but now the artwork is also missing from the Roon app itself, as well as ARC.

Here’s a couple of screenshots from today

The second ones show the cure playing but the image is Depeche Mode!