B247 I still have lots of MQA tracks and albums [Answered - analysis needs to complete]

I updated to b247 both core and remote. Database updated. Howeer all mqa albums and tracks are still there. SOme indicating frequency in khz some are labeled as dsd128x48

Has analysis completed in Settings > Library?

What happens if you select one of these files and select Edit > Re-Analyze?

Sorry i think i reacted a bit early

I focused on format and mqa in track view mode

selected all mqa tracks and reanalayzed and the number has decreased from 45 to 40 now

however it is still 40 bu when i play those tracks they mqa label disappears one by one as i play

i think it will be finalized soon

The same happened to me. After updating there were still 54 misanylzed MQA tracks in my library. Manual reanalyzing didn‘t help at all. But as soon as i started playing the tracks, the MQA label disappered.