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Describe the issue
Last year I installed ROCK on an Intel NUC, and have been using this as my Roon server ever since. At the time of setup I connected an external SSD via USB to use for database backups. This has been working without issue. However, after the most recent Roon update I started seeing backup failures, indicating that the "directory was unavailable". Upon further investigation I have discovered that Roon does see the drive, and can list existing backups, but if I try to do a new backup (either scheduled or manual) it says that the directory is unavailable. The SSD is formatted ExFAT. I have tried rebooting the server, and disconnecting and reconnecting the drive. Neither has made any difference. New backups continue to fail, but old backups can still be seen.
Describe your network setup
Pfsense firewall/router, Netgear GS324T switch, Motorola cable modem