Backup Number? what is it Hours? its not a date

What does 14:45:35 Mean? If it’s Hours I have a problem since I got this after I just tired a backup

That means it finished at 2:45pm.

Cheers, Greg

What’s the Roon Core running on?

That is the hour in 24 hour clock time.
It will change to a date after a period of time UNLESS you do daily backups of the database.

Probably be wrong about this, but I vaguely recall some folks figuring out their Roon clock was on Greenwich Mean Time, not their local time.

I think they were talking about their rock installs…

The issue of ROCK using Greenwich Mean Time (UTC) was fixed with the release of version 1.5.

  • Backups on RoonOS use the remote’s timezone

Cheers, Greg

Yea, that is a proper 24h time format. Now if we could have a decent way of writing date, that would be great. Luckily Roon displays dates correctly in the UI even if it’s written strangely.